End of Year Reflections: My MiM Journey

Written By, Selin Spencer Ciloglu, MiM2024

As my Master’s in Management (MiM) programme at London Business School (LBS) comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on an extraordinary year of academic rigor, personal growth, and professional development. This journey has been far more than a traditional academic degree; it has been an all-rounded experience that has reshaped my perspectives, sharpened my skills, and prepared me for the next exciting chapter of my career.

Academic Excellence and Intellectual Growth

Embarking on the MiM programme at LBS, I was looking forward to diving into a world of intellectual challenge and academic excellence. The curriculum, designed to push boundaries and foster critical thinking, exceeded my expectations. Courses such as Financial Accounting, Marketing, and Strategy were not just about learning but about applying complex concepts to real-world scenarios. The extensive case studies and group projects provided a practical, hands-on understanding of the theories we discussed in class. It was truly fun to have conversations and debates in the classroom.

The faculty at LBS deserve special mention. Their expertise, dedication, and passion for teaching have been truly inspiring. Professors not only impart knowledge but also encourage us to question, explore, and innovate. One of the highlights for me was the opportunity to participate in the Global Experience – which is a part of the MiM programme – to Medellin, Colombia. This unique experience allowed us to apply our classroom knowledge to international business contexts, visiting companies in Colombia, interacting with industry leaders, and understanding global market dynamics. It was an invaluable experience that broadened my horizon and gave me a global perspective on business.

Collaborative Learning and Networking

LBS is known for its emphasis on collaborative learning, and this aspect of the programme has been incredibly enriching. The diverse cohort, comprising individuals from various backgrounds and cultures, created a vibrant learning environment. Working in our study groups was a constant feature, whether for class projects, case competitions, or extracurricular activities. This collaborative approach not only enhanced my learning experience but also taught me the importance of teamwork, adaptability, and effective communication.

The networking opportunities at LBS were unparalleled. The school fosters and facilitates connections with numerous companies through guest lectures by industry leaders, networking events, and career fairs. Beyond just meeting with recruiters and companies, it was great to be in the same ecosystem with people who share common interests and common career aspirations.

Student clubs also played a significant role in my networking journey. Being part of various clubs – Snow Club, Women in Business Club – allowed me to connect with peers who shared similar interests, learn from their experiences, and collaborate on projects and events.

Global Aspect

One of the most striking features of LBS is its global nature. The diversity of the student body and the international outlook of the programme have been instrumental in shaping my understanding of different cultures and global business practices. I now have friends from all over the world, and this cultural exchange has been one of the most enriching aspects of my time at LBS.

The school celebrates this diversity through numerous events that bring together different cultures and traditions. From international food festivals to cultural nights and national day celebrations, these events have provided a platform for us to share and appreciate our diverse backgrounds. This global exposure has not only broadened my perspective but has also taught me the importance of cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in the business world.

Next Steps: Career in Consulting

As I look ahead, I am excited to embark on my next professional journey in strategy consulting at Kearney in their London office. The knowledge, skills, and experiences I have gained at LBS have been crucial in paving my path towards this role. The academic curriculum, combined with the practical exposure and networking opportunities, has equipped me with the tools and confidence to excel in this field.

The Career Centre at LBS has been an invaluable resource throughout my job search process. From refining my resume and cover letter to preparing for interviews and connecting with alumni in the consulting industry, the support I received was exceptional. Additionally, interacting – and case prepping – with MBA students and learning from their experiences provided me with valuable insights into the consulting world.

My peers have also played a significant role in my career journey. The collaborative environment at LBS fostered a culture of mutual support and encouragement. Sharing knowledge, resources, and experiences with my classmates has been incredibly beneficial in preparing for my role at Kearney.


As I conclude this reflection, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible journey I have had at London Business School. The MiM programme has been a transformative experience that has not only equipped me with the knowledge and skills to excel in my career but has also shaped me into a more confident and adaptable individual. I am excited about the future and the opportunities that are ahead. With the foundation I have built at LBS, I am ready to take on new challenges, make a positive impact, and continue my journey of lifelong learning and growth.

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