End of Year Reflections: My MFA Journey

Written By, Rosa Rodriguez, MFA2024

As my time as an MFA student at LBS wraps up, I cannot help but look back on the incredible journey I have had this past academic year. It has been a whirlwind of learning, growth, and unforgettable experiences.

Programme Experience:

Before LBS, I had spent my entire life in Peru. With a degree in Economics and some work experience in finance, I wanted to take a deeper dive into the world of finance, and the MFA programme at LBS seemed like the perfect fit. And it was.

The coursework was exactly what I needed. Over the months, I have gained so much theoretical knowledge, but what really stood out were the study groups. I have learned a ton from my classmates, who come from all over the world. Each of them brought their own unique perspectives and experiences, and this diversity made our discussions so rich and enlightening.

One of the highlights of the year was the Global Experience trip to Kathmandu. Along with other Masters and MBA students, I worked on a consulting project with local companies. It was more than just an academic exercise; it was a real eye-opener. Seeing the challenges these businesses faced and being able to help them out was incredibly rewarding. Plus, experiencing the local culture and bonding with my peers in such a unique setting was something I will never forget.

Another standout experience was being part of the Finance Club Executive Committee. Organizing a Women in Banking event was a particular highlight. We invited six successful female LBS alumni to share their experiences in investment banking. Their stories were inspiring and provided invaluable insights into the industry, especially for those of us considering similar career paths.


There are a few key things I have taken away from my time at LBS:

  • Networking is key: Building connections has been so important. The LBS network is vast and filled with amazing people. Networking here is not just about career advancement; it is about forming genuine, lasting relationships.
  • Balancing theory and practice: The blend of theory and practical application has been crucial. The classes gave me the foundation, but the real-world projects and recruiting period allowed me to apply what I have learned in meaningful ways.
  • Step out of your comfort zone: The most growth happens when you push yourself beyond your limits. Whether it was taking on a challenging project or trying out new activities, stepping out of my comfort zone always paid off.
  • Time management: Learning to juggle studies, socializing, and personal hobbies has been a vital skill. There is always time for everything if you manage your schedule well.

What I Have Gained:

This year at LBS has given me so much more than just academic knowledge. I have made lifelong friends and had experiences that I will cherish forever. The lessons I have learned and the people I have met have had a profound impact on me, both personally and professionally.

Next Steps:

Now, I am really excited about what is next. I am about to start my summer internship and off-cycle internship in banking. Thanks to everything I have learned at LBS, I feel ready to tackle these new challenges head-on.

In conclusion, my time at LBS has been nothing short of transformative. The experiences, lessons, and relationships I have gained here will stay with me forever. As I move forward, I carry with me invaluable knowledge and wonderful memories from this incredible journey.

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