by Aram Karakashian, Senior Global Recruitment Manager
London Business School has a duty to ensure that individuals who share their data with us are aware of how their data is used and what rights they have around this. EU GDPR gives individuals the control over their data and this is why we are asking you if you want to continue hearing from us.
There is tremendous value in staying connected with London Business School and allowing us to support you in furthering your career through our Masters courses. By engaging with our content individuals deepen their understanding of the school, its values and vision and become better applicants to our programmes.
By choosing to stay updated, you will continue to have access to:
- Thought leadership from world-class faculty who are at the forefront of academic research. Their views and insights are used not only to teach our students, but also to advise and develop best practice at organisation and government level. You can start your learning before you even join London Business School.
- Invitations to innovative events across the world. Our school, students and alumni network are highlighted through Faculty Masterclasses, Information Sessions, Networking Events and Coffee Chats. We are always looking to meet with candidates to be able to support them through the admissions journey and help to make their career ambitions a reality.
- Information delivered to your inbox that showcases programme features, alumni and student stories, employment reports, deadline reminders and key hints and tips from our team that can help candidates as they begin the application process.
- Individual support to assess your eligibility for our programmes and opportunities to experience London Business School by visiting a class or having a personal consultation.
If you haven’t let us know already and want to continue receiving updates via email, you just need to click below to log in and update your preferences.
*If you don’t confirm your preference by the 25 May you’ll no longer receive emails from us.
What is EU GDPR?
There is a reason behind the flurry of emails you’ve undoubtedly received in recent weeks from companies and organisations highlighting changes to their privacy policy and asking you to ‘re-consent’ to their updates. It’s because of the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is coming into force on the 25th May 2018. After this date, companies that are required to comply must have put measures in place, or face hefty fines.
In the UK, your personal data is currently protected by the 1998 Data protection act (DPA), and the 2003 Privacy and Electronic Regulations (PECR). This means it’s 15 years since any law or regulations pertaining to how your personal data is collected, stored and used has been reviewed. A lot has changed in that period, and our data is collected, stored and used in ways that we couldn’t possibly have accounted for in the DPA or PECR.
We encourage individuals to read our privacy policy and understand how London Business School uses data to support individuals with their learning ambitions.