Fascinating people, thought-provoking classes, and an engaged community have been my key takeaways from my time at London Business School so far.
I remember when I received my offer, joining the community seemed so far away, but this is really something that happens instantly. I had the chance to use Meet, a social media platform designed for university students, to engage with other offer-holders and ask current students questions. I quickly joined groups of students who were also applying for investment banking and shared similar interests. In addition, throughout the months in the run-up to the programme start, the admissions team ran a myriad of events where I met others in person. It created a real aura of anticipation for the exciting year to come!
The professors at London Business School elevated the experience beyond my expectations. I studied corporate finance during my undergraduate degree, unlike many in the class, but Alex Edmans managed to add a substantial amount of knowledge while also keeping the course engaging and making sure no student was left behind.
Being a merit scholar for the Masters in Financial Analysis this year has reinforced the feeling of connection to the school. I knew before receiving my offer that if I joined LBS, I wanted to get as involved as possible in the future, something that being a merit scholar and ambassador makes possible. The scholar community is filled with similarly like-minded people; it’s refreshing to study with people who are so keen to see the university flourish. In addition, the scholarship is helping me to take full advantage of all the opportunities provided by LBS, like going to New York and Boston for my global experience trip.
I am now nearing the end of the second term and have started my elective modules. With more exciting modules, both core and elective, and the global experience trip yet to come, the rest of the year is looking exciting. After I graduate, I join the alumni community and know that there will always be the opportunity to stay engaged and contribute to the future success of the school.
Written by Taylor Wood MFA 2024