By Julia Ferreira Drummond, MBA2022
July was full of big events – graduation week, family in London, the first week at Amazon and hearing of friends’ “back-to-work” experiences. But mostly, the past weeks have been all about farewells – friends going to Brazil, Colombia, Amsterdam, Dubai, the US, Canada, Mexico, and so on.
It is a bittersweet feeling saying “goodbye” to friends and classmates – it is sad realising they will no longer be around for a coffee catch-up or weekend plan, but I couldn’t be prouder and happier seeing each of them pursue their dreams and personal and professional goals.
The Financial Times’ recent post about the LBS graduation stated that we “will change the way the world does business” – I am sure we will prove them right with representatives of our cohort going literally everywhere around the globe.
It is funny how on every trip or night out people would ask our group “Where are you guys from?” and there would be a pause. “Brazil, Argentina, Finland, India, Peru, Indonesia… you know what? We’re from everywhere!”. A group of 530 people from over 60 nationalities, who had made London their home for two years and have taught each other how to be more respectful, inclusive, better listeners, professionals and friends are now making their way back into the corporate world – this just reminds me of the biggest value of LBS: its truly diverse cohort!
We are now transitioning into “Alumni”, which for me means being an ambassador for all that LBS (and especially my cohort) taught me about being a truly global citizen and open to learning from others’ experiences and perspectives. To my classmates and friends staying in London: I can’t wait to see you all for our next get-together and for those leaving: I’ll see you around the world!